Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Its Great

Check your Daily Horoscopes made by Astrology.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Así me siento.Libre como un pájaro

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Así de bella, así soy.Me llamo Maria, y he comenzado nuevamente con éste mi blog.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Looking For A Prince

I love a very Romantic ,passionate ,honest, sincere and no problem expressing his feelings.
That is the kind of Prince I want, can that be possible! Love to hear from you.. Maybe I be what your looking fore. If you believe in Angel that is me !!!!! . Goodness you will never know on less …… you E-mail me angel: Hey Guys wow !!

Don"t write if you are not my prince....Because .... I be the puffed up lady ,but very kind and sensitive, pleasant and considerate. also like someone who love music, movies , and dancing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


It"s so beautiful to have good friends...... I have a warm and friendly feeling To think in all of you today, and everyday I wish that we could visit more..... more & more , But you all are to many miles away. But we are special , But we always together the distance will never separated us ,and yet our emails bring us near; Through the miles we share a beautiful friendship that"s become to me most dear. Still, your face I need to see For your soul shines through the words Every time you write to me. This is to all of you Dear Friends . The Angel with Wing.......